Feeling a little sad & sorry for myself today. I just feel so useless, at least if I was working I would be contributing in some meaningful way. Been listening to Loreena alot today, especially "Dante's prayer" it is so incredibly beautiful. Listen to it with me.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEqpdSKdpxs&feature=related
Your blog is helping me. I am inspired by you to look, search and be myself more (again). The words, images you are posting have reached inside me. Don't say you are useless, please. Being in your presence is like being taken away to a magical land, I now understand a little more of why this is. Keep writing Sue, keep going, lots more in you yet.
When your life seems hard
& always in a mess
When the long road ahead
seems steep & endless
...don't give up!
When tears you cry
Seem to never stop
When the thought of HOPE
Seems all you've got
...don't give up!
Life's not all that bad
You'll find that's true
Just put on a smile
& change your view
There is always tomorrow
& that's enough
to keep you smiling
...don't give up
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