On the topic of euthanasia, as a nurse I strictly adhere to the laws of this country & to the ethical code of conduct of my profession. As an individual on the other hand, I have my own beliefs. Most people's suffering can be alleviated to a certain degree & a lot of people would not even contemplate euthanasia as an option for themselves due to religious or moral standards. But there are people who continue to suffer terribly & I believe that they should have the option to end their own life & if assistance is required that it be provided to them. As the law stands (except for a brief trial in N.T) euthanasia is illegal in this country & it makes of people who wish to die with dignity & those who long to help them into criminals.
The topic opens up a whole can of worms - you have to then ask yourself "well, what constitutes a life?" & then we get into the abortion debate. Two books which I highly recommend on the subject of sanctity of human life are:
- "Denial of the Soul - spiritual & medical perspectives on euthanasia & mortality" by M. Scott Peck (Christian veiwpoint), &
- "Unsanctifying human life" by Peter Singer
As a nurse I have had people clutch onto me with all the might they can muster, look me square in the eye & beg me to help them die. I have also wittnessed souls which cling onto life to the very end - rage, rage, raging against the dying of the light.
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