I feel pretty good today, I don't know if finding out that my thyroid function is low has helped me psychologically - I suppose it has. At least I now know there is a legitimate cause for the ongoing lethargy & decreased mental alertness despite the
NSRI's. I am even entertaining the idea of going back to community health nursing - yep, getting back behind the wheel. It's just such a waste to have three post graduate qualifications in an area & not even work in it! Oh well, one step at a time.
Jan & Sandy will be here tomorrow, which will be great. The only problem being that they want to go to the Direct Factory Outlet (DFO) & the Casino - 2 places which I can't stand! But I'll go along with it, bite my tongue & keep my cards at home. We'll have fun, no matter what we do.
Smiles - just like when I dragged you off to High Tea!!
I enjoyed that, the little cakes were gorgeous not to mention delicious!
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