I had the strangest dream last night, It was so vivid that when I woke from it I was momentarily disorientated as to where I was & even to who I was. What I dreamt about was the Christmas story, as in the birth of Jesus Christ, and the subsequent "massacre of the innocents" that was carried out by King Herod. The most peculiar thing was that I was seeing all of this from the viewpoint of a young boy & it wasn't until the end of the dream that I realised that this child was John the Baptist. I was once deeply religious but have since become agnostic (at times even athiestic), but when I woke from this dream I had an overwhelming desire to go to church - I haven't been in 7 years! Very strange indeed.
That is quite incredible! What a journey - would make for a great written story from this perspective (such a sad tale and loss of life).
Scott turned to me last night while we were driving home, pointed to a church and said, "we should go"!! He was half serious. I think it is this time of year that I miss it most. xx
I think the dream's a call. Jesus is calling you to visit Him since He is to be born again. We would sing here at our town "Corre, corre, corre kay el bata ay nace." - Run, run, run coz the child shall be born.
I had my simbang gabi just this morning (refer to my blog for the definition of simbang gabi) and the priest said that we had to follow the STAR, the Spirit Talks, Accept its message and Renew our lives.
Let's change for Jesus Mrs. Sue. Your dream is significant. I wished I had dreams of Jesus too.
We dream alike: I had a strange one last night...he was back and it seemed so real as though one would awake this morning to a different world.
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