Sunday, November 30, 2008


You know I can't help but feel just a little let down by the medical system, especially when I fiercely defend it (perhaps because I'm a nurse). The last year and a half of my life has been nothing short of a living hell & it's taken even longer than that to get to where I stand right now - with a definitive diagnosis. Even prior to the aerophagia, the heightened anxiety, the rapid cycling of emotions - if I really look at it, It's been slowly getting out of control for the last six years, & getting worse & worse with each passing year. The GP's - getting bloods done, but testing for the wrong things, & so quick to send me to a psychologist rather than a psychiatrist. The psychologists - so readily laying the blame on behavioural aspects of my personality & not really listening to me when I said that when I was well I didn't really have any behavioural problems. I wasted so much money going to see psychologists & got absolutely nothing out of it - nothing! I'm not saying they don't have a place, but they don't for psychiatric illnesses like bipolar. The last psychologist I went to had me diagnosed with general anxiety disorder & depression - when in truth I was rapidly cycling between mania & depression! It's sad to think that if I didn't become violently suicidal that day I'd probably be still back there, suffering. And thank goodness I didn't kill myself.....thank goodness.


Jan Maree said...

YES thank goodness!!! Oh that would have killed me too!!! I am so glad that you have a diagnosis!!!

Louise Viray said...

My God, that's scary...
It's a good thing you have a diagnosis. At least you can still control yourself. Unlike me.

L. said...

It is so hard sometimes to be heard in the medical system. Sometimes only the patient really knows something is wrong. It takes a special medical practioner to be willing to listen and search. I am so glad that as long and hard as your journey has been, that you are finding answers now. And thank you for being brave enough to share. Thank goodness indeed that you are a survivor!