I went off to see the psychiatrist this morning and found out that my last blood tests showed that my thyroid function is abnormally low. So I have to get some more tests done & Throxine might just get added to my daily diet of pills. It would explain why I eat like a bird & still manage to put on weight (due to fluid retention), it would also explain the joint pain I sometimes get, not to mention the lethargy - which can get confusing as these are all symptoms of major depression also. Apparently there is a very strong relationship between bipolar & thyroid function, I knew that there was a link with depression but I didn't know about bipolar. My moods have been all over the shop lately so the Olanzipine dose has been increased & I go back in 12 days time & he should have the results of further blood tests. Things aren't happening as fast as they should be according to the psychiatrist, he wants to start me on a "newer", "more potent" NSRI - what the heck, I'll try anything.....once! I'm completely at your (sic) mercy. So that's my progress up to date.
Oh, and apparently I'm a person of extremely high moral standards & principles which unfortunately leaves me prey to a life full of bitter disappointment! And I nearly forgot, I've been deemed to be back at that place again, where I'm too unwell to work....just lovely!
Oh dear there is not much light and love in this for you. Concerned to hear these unravellings. Look after yourself and listen to your own body and heart. Completely sucks the news of the thyroid and that the meds aren't getting you to where you need to be quick enough. I am always the eternal optimist and try to find the positives - perhaps there are some you are forgetting? Perhaps not too. Life is difficult.
Gorgeous photo that you chose.
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