I haven't been too well lately, blood results have shown that my Thyroid function is terribly low yet again which can explain why I've been feeling so tired with aches & pains over the last 2+ weeks. My mood hasn't been the best either - with little to no motivation most days. Nights have been a battle to get to sleep including one episode of halluciantions, something I haven't experienced for over a year. So what to do? - more medication! I am now on Duloxetine (SNRI) 120mg, Lithium (mood stabiliser) 500mg twice a day, & Olanzipine (antipsychotic) 5mg at night - & of course the 100mcg of Throxine for the thyroid problem. My psychiatrist is looking at changing the Olanzipine to Seroquel, something I'm all for as it apparently has less side effects.
I'm putting the call out to others who are being treated for Bipolar - do you have to take so much medication? Sometimes I feel like taking these meds is the equivallent of a frontal lobotomy, but then again what is the alternative?
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