When I look back I never actually confided fully in anyone, but people did witness my behaviour – especially my family. When I was depressed I would socially just shut myself away till it was over. My family & friends came to accept this as just being part of who I was. So sometimes family aren’t the best ones to confide in – choose someone who has ‘nothing to lose’ in regards to your having a mental illness, someone who can be objective. For instance, just last night my father asked me if I had to see the psychiatrist again & if I was still taking the medication, to which I replied that I would have to see one for the rest of my life, & that I will always have be on the medication - he found this hard to accept.
I clearly recall one instance when I arrived home in the early hours of the morning to find my parents waiting up for me. They got angry & demanded to know where I had been to which I screamed in reply that I had been sitting in my car down at the industrial area of Clontarf contemplating driving myself into a concrete wall. Nothing was done about it. There were many more occasions similar to that but perhaps not as intense. I don’t blame my parents, like most people they had no idea what to do. Years later my husband (who is a health care professional) would witness similar episodes & also chose to ignore them. Perhaps they just wished it would all go away & usually it did...till next time.
So what I’m saying I suppose, is choose the person you tell carefully - tell a teacher or the school nurse, or even pluck up the courage to see your GP. I did see my GP & when I was 17 was commenced on antidepressants, which if used in isolation can make bipolar even worse. I had no referral to a mental health worker, but then again I only spoke of my depression (you tend to view the highs as quite pleasant & not warranting attention). Demand to see a mental health specialist & perhaps most of all let your guard down &….BE HONEST!
I clearly recall one instance when I arrived home in the early hours of the morning to find my parents waiting up for me. They got angry & demanded to know where I had been to which I screamed in reply that I had been sitting in my car down at the industrial area of Clontarf contemplating driving myself into a concrete wall. Nothing was done about it. There were many more occasions similar to that but perhaps not as intense. I don’t blame my parents, like most people they had no idea what to do. Years later my husband (who is a health care professional) would witness similar episodes & also chose to ignore them. Perhaps they just wished it would all go away & usually it did...till next time.
So what I’m saying I suppose, is choose the person you tell carefully - tell a teacher or the school nurse, or even pluck up the courage to see your GP. I did see my GP & when I was 17 was commenced on antidepressants, which if used in isolation can make bipolar even worse. I had no referral to a mental health worker, but then again I only spoke of my depression (you tend to view the highs as quite pleasant & not warranting attention). Demand to see a mental health specialist & perhaps most of all let your guard down &….BE HONEST!
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