I watched on the news last night the concerted efforts to free a whale which had been caught in fishing net. It was one of those news stories they like to end the program with…the ones that make you all warm & fuzzy inside. I cannot help but be puzzled by this, whilst meanwhile our governments stance on anti-whaling is mediocre to say the least. Sure they’ll say that they disagree with it but let’s not go too far, lets not jeopardise the trade relations.
It frustrates me how man can dare take an interest in such news stories or watch programs on TV like “talk to the animals’. Meanwhile they continue to build their huge houses & highways, encroaching on natural habitats. Displacing native wildlife like refugees & flooding their waters with waste. Yet others they farm & harness like slaves, gorging off them, or using them as a source of entertainment & experiment.
It frustrates me how man can dare take an interest in such news stories or watch programs on TV like “talk to the animals’. Meanwhile they continue to build their huge houses & highways, encroaching on natural habitats. Displacing native wildlife like refugees & flooding their waters with waste. Yet others they farm & harness like slaves, gorging off them, or using them as a source of entertainment & experiment.
How dare you pretend you care, the gall of it!
"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of those who do terrible things. But because of those who let them do it."
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