An interesting conversation held between the Camerlengo Father Patrick McKenna and Robert Langdon:
Do you believe in God sir?
Father I simply believe that religion-
I did not ask if you believe what man says about God, I asked if you believe in God
I'm an academic, my mind tells me I will never understand God.
And your heart?
Tells me I'm not meant to.....Faith is a gift I've yet to receive.
Angels & Demons was a marvelous show. I loved that conversation. In the book the Camerlengo's name wasn't Patrick...something. It was Carlo Ventresca.
Sad how they've changed too much of the story.
The book's better though. I only favored the explosion scene of the antimatter.
It's good to see you post again Mrs. Sue! I hope you're in good health.^^,)
Dear Louise, so good to hear from you! I must admit I have not read the book.
Hi Dear Sue - hope you are okay, I fear you may not be but pray you are xxx
I always think it interesting how time and time again you hear us humans comment: "the book was better"...shows how incredible the human mind is at playing out scenes and our difficulty in capturing such imagination on film!
Dear Janmaree - I'm traveling along okay, can feel myself getting that little more brighter each day. Thanks for praying for me xox
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