Well I feel like I've just been through the depths of Hell & back. I have now been weaned off Efexor & yes the horror stories about withdrawal are true. I've started on a new NSRI today & all my hopes are pinned on it! (despite the fact that the first dose of it made me projectile vomit all over the kitchen bench). Today has been pretty bad - I've been constantly crying and beating up on myself with continual self loathing, the only comfort being the 3 valium I've taken since lunch time.
The D word came up with my psychiatrist today - "Disability" - I think he is losing faith in me ever returning to work. I'm sorry but that would be it for me, it's unfortunate but work defines so much of who you are. On the topic of work - prior to my current absence I told my boss that I had to go into hospital for 10 days - so he took me off the roster for the 10 days & had me back on the very next day, as if I'd be okay to return to work. I suppose I take for granted that people will understand.
I hope this post makes sense, at the moment I can't seem to be able to do much of anything - I can't read, can't watch movies - I watch Master Chef on TV each night & that's about it, along with my trips every 3 days to the psychiatrist.
Hope everyone else is well......I truly do, I would not wish this dreaded condition on anyone.
Interesant blog.
you always pick the most beautiful pictures to post. my heart aches reading your posts but I can see some hope shining through in this one as you reach out...keep reaching Sue. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx all my love and more xx
keep up the patience for getting better
Hey Foambark, I often wonder how you are. Thanks for your ongoing support.
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